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86 |
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44 |
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106 |
7 |
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35 |
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705 |
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22 |
89 |
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| Possible Zodiac CrimesThe Zodiac claimed that he was responsible for many other crimes. In addition to the four attacks traditionally attributed to him, the Zodiac mentioned only two specific cases: The 1966 murder of Riverside City College student Cheri Jo Bates, and, the 1970 abduction of Kathleen Johns. |
| | | The Murder of Cheri Jo BatesCollege student Cheri Jo Bates was killed near the campus of Riverside City College, sometime during the night of October 30, 1966. |
15 |
106 |
5 |
13 |
1 |
7 |
2 |
36 |
1,600 files in 150 albums and 21 categories with 0 comments viewed 2,196,699 times |