The new documentary series The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer begins Tuesday November 14th on The History Channel. Check local listings for air times in your area, and check in at for the latest news and updates about the show.
- The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer: Episode #2 – Riverside, Santa Barbara, Kathleen Johns, and Larry Kane
- The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer: Episode #1 – Riverside Evidence – a look the unsolved 1966 murder of Cheri Jo Bates and the evidence
- A look into the files of Zodiac reporter Dave Peterson
- New article The Zodiac Killer: A Timeline at
- New article: Could any of these men have been the Zodiac killer? at
- New promotional video: The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer – Sneak Peek
- The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer Video Promo 1
- The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer Video Promo 2
- The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer Video Promo 3
- The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer Video Promo 4
- The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer Video Promo 5
- The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer Video Promo 6
- The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer Video Promo 7
- New article “Can the latest Zodiac ‘hunt’ finally solve the case?” at The San Francisco Chronicle